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Gilbert, a soft-spoken Guitar Genius

A Bubble Worth Breaking!

Let’s admit it: we live in a never-ending bubble, especially during our daily Metro commute - a bubble comprised of our text messages, social media feeds and Spotify/iTunes playlists (thanks to those damn noise cancelling headphones). But every now and then, the bubble bursts and we look up and interact with the real world for a moment. That’s when, we get a glimpse of some incredibly talented artists, who perform at the Metro. The music and the energy of these artists instantly uplift us and makes us forget everything else for a few minutes.

In fact, the vibrancy and diversity of the population of Montreal is well represented by the plethora of talented musicians to whom we listen to few seconds on our hurried way to the train. These artists play every instrument under the sun, ranging from cello to saxophone to even the oud and genres ranging from hip-hop to classical. Therefore, being music crazy STM travellers, we decided to blog about these artists, as a way of showing our gratitude to these often unsung maestros.  

During our initial interviews with some of these artists, we heard from them that they are themselves quite active on social media to connect with more people. Therefore, a key aspect of this endeavor is to position the blog as a vehicle that can drive traffic to the social media accounts of the respective artists featured in the blog posts and thereby give them more online visibility.

So what ultimately is Prochaine Station? This blog is a social initiative that not only showcases these artists, their talents and their work, but also brings to light their unique stories, perspectives, challenges and dreams. Sometimes, the best way to burst a bubble is from within. We hope that Prochaine Station is that part from within that will help more Montrealers hop out of their own bubbles and relish the real world for a moment.
